Does Designed by Been offer Hourly Services?

In general, no. Unfortunately we’re not able to do work on an hourly basis only. Please reach out to us if there is something specific you’re looking for from our team.

Does Designed by Been do in person consults?

Yes! We are located in Downtown Phoenix, and are able to go in person to locations within 1 hour of Phoenix. If you’re outside of this radius, or outside of Arizona, we offer remote e-design services.

What styles can Designed by Been do?

The better question is, what can’t we do? We specialize in fun and edgy designs, modern concepts, and pops of color. For residential we love applying a modern and neutral scheme and bringing warmth to design with warm browns, taupe’s, and clean white linens. The only styles we are currently unable to do involve historic remodels/historic restoration and antique styles.

Does Designed by Been do contracting or installation?

For installing designs, we are able to act as a project coordinator and director for receiving materials and managing construction for projects. We do not physically do any contracting, electrical and remodeling. For final installation entailing furniture assembly, arranging décor, small décor and staging to make the final design come to life, we are able to quote for this after design work is done.